Gillian Redwood continues her experimental dance with universal energies in The Triumph of Light. This new series of expansive acrylic paintings illuminate Xchanges Gallery April 3-18. Zoom Artist Talk and Tour of the Exhibit:
Saturday, April 10th at 3:3
Chrystal Phan is a story teller. The tales she tells in her debut solo exhibition are monumental and multi-hued. They feature stories she’s heard from family and friends, embellished by her own imagination. All her paintings document some aspect of the
Samantha Dickie’s conceptual ceramic sculptures
Louisa Elkin’s contemplative oil paintings
together at Fortune Gallery Feb 17-March 24, 2022.
Plastic is everywhere, explains Yardley in her introduction to Becoming Plastic. “It’s in the depths of the oceans and at the highest of mountaintops,” she says.
On April 1, 2022, Pope Francis apologized to First Nations, Inuit and Métis gathered at the Vatican in Rome.
Life's Work: A Visual Memoir
by B.A. Lampman
at the Victoria Arts Council Gallery
June 3 - July 17, 2022. Opening June 3, 7:00-9:00
Victoria hip-hop artist Orrie Falesau, known also by his stage name Orilla, has died. he was 30 years old. According to a GoFundMe page setup to support his partner and family, Falesau died in his sleep.
Born in the South Pacific island nation of Tuvalu,
This exuberant artist brings a life-like presence to luminaries he finds interesting. “I wonder who these people are,” he asks, “how they lived their lives and chose to express themselves.”
Artist in Attendance:
April 20, 22, 30 and May 4 from 11:00 - 2:00
April 25 and May 9 from 12:00 - 4:00
Wonderful whimsy abounds in Karen Kaiser’s NEW WORKS. Using loose flowing brushwo...