GLIM Project

we fit into everything rock from Vancouver BC
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GLIM Project

since circa 2004
When you combine 3 physicists and an electrician, all having very different musical tastes, you get the GLIM Project. On stage the Glim Project doesn't stand there and look stupid like most bands these days; they rock out and pleasure the eye as well as the ear.
Having just made a 6 song demo and begun the quest to dominate all local pubs and then the world, the GLIM Project is ROCKING!!!!
Broken Up

Last Lineup

Marco Bieri
drums/random screams
2004 - The End
Unlinked Musician
2004 - The End
Lucanus R
guitar/lead singing
2004 - The End
Geoff Archibald
guitar/backup singing
2004 - The End

Community Events

22:00 13:30

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Band Articles

Stand Down C.D. Release Party
The Glim Project / Incura / Stand Down / Hezzakya Stand Down C.D. Release Party The Penthouse, Fri. May 9th Edward Dinsley I hate being the reviewer who turns up late to a show and all but misses the opening act. Unfortunately, I was...
Author: Edward Dinsley
Published by: The Skinny Magazine

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