Space 9

from Vancouver BC
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Space 9

Label: none available
since circa 2002
Funk Jazz Electronic and Dub. That's what we are all about. Hailing from different genres of music, coming together creating Space 9.

Jeff Younger is a local Jazz Guitarist in vancouver. He also works with these projects The Unsupervised, The Family Stump, Dogwalker, The Mingler, Ricochetand Alternative Worlds.
Mark Campbell is a Guitarist..Bassist in Vancouver. He has been lucky enough to have played in such great acts as Roots Roundup, Ngoma, Dubfreque and Arthur Funkarelli.
Mike Galo local turntablist in Vancouver. He has worked on projects with the No Luck Club and The Mighty Dramatics bands.
Nathan Wiley is a Drummer, currently gigging hard with Stabilo.
Laurence Santos is a Keyboardist..Synthethist.He's worked with the group Funkshun.

Community Events

Current Lineup

Nathan Wiley
drums, sampler
2002 - present
Laurence Santos
keys, electronics, sampler
2002 - present
Mark Campbell
bass, electronics
2002 - present

Past Members

Michael Lowe
2002 - 2006
Brad Shipley
2002 - 2006

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