Profile Image: Jen Calder

Jen Calder

Folk, singer-songwriter from Kingston Ontario
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Jen Calder

Guitar Intermediate Amateur
Vocals Intermediate Amateur
Piano/Keyboards Intermediate Amateur
Composition/Songwriting Intermediate Amateur
Other: Percussion/cajon
Intimate and poetic lyrics woven between mesmerizing finger picked rhythms are Jen's specialty. She started playing guitar in her early teens with visions of being a heavy metal star, but once being introduced to Paul Simon, Peter Gabriel and the Indigo Girls, she instead found herself drawn to sweet vocal harmonies and acoustic rhythms. With a warm and inviting voice, intricate guitar patterns and a wide repertoire that includes original songs and even a few 80s hits, it is a performer to not be missed.
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20:30 23:30

Current Projects

Private Label
2023 - present
Chris Giguere & The Larks
Percussion, backing vocals
2023 - present
The Kildeers
2023 - present

Past Projects

Chris Giguère & The Final Say
Percussion, vocals
2022 - The End

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