Profile Image: Dave Klassen

Dave Klassen

from Victoria BC
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Dave Klassen

Bass (Acoustic)
Dave's musical career had two distinct eras: Electric, from 1979 to 1987, and Acoustic, from 1996 to 2016.

His Electric Era took place in Vancouver (1979-1985) and Toronto (1985-1987). Performing bands that he was a member of were:
The Mellobeets (1981)
Robin & The R-Dels (1982)
The RoadRunners (1982-1984)
Fun With Numbers (1983-1985)
The White Lies (1984)
The Beaumonts (1984) - the only band that Dave led
The Cheshyres (1985-1987)
The Electric Canopener (1986-1987)

His Acoustic Era took place in Victoria. Performing bands that he was a member of were:
Sukenda (1996-1999)
Island Highway (1997-1998)
The Garden City Blue Blowers (1998-2001)
Rig-A-Jig (1999-2016)
Mandolirium (2000-2002)
The Victoria Mandolin Orchestra (2000-2002)
Bisia Belina (2001-2005)
Beth Woodland / The Dream-A-Littles (2001-2016)
Four Chords Of Wood (2002-2010)
The Full Jonty (2004-2005)
The Stillhouse Gang (2004-2006)
Whittall, Curran & Klassen (2004-2005)
David Kosub/Godkin (2005-2014)
The Yiddish Columbia State Orchestra (2006-2016)
The Island Big Band (2012-2015)
The Aaron Murray Project (2013-2016)
Retired / Inactive

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Current Projects

Diamond Tooth Molly and the StillHouse Gang Bluegrass Band
Co-leader, stand up bass
2002 - present

Past Projects

The RoadRunners
1982 - 1984

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