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LiveMusicVancouver is Vancouver's most reputable community-driven concert calendar. New shows are listed daily by the city's most prominant promoters, but also by you: the musicians & fans who are the driving force of our local music scene.'s listings are different because they're personalized. They're integrated with local music directories that are constantly updated by the bands, musicians and businesses who refer to them as they pick locations & lineups for their newest upcoming shows. And no one's barred from contributing, since we all know that fans know more about the players than anyone!

So visit for the latest major and independent event listings. And while you're at it, check out our archives and discover how closely we ALL work together in this community, putting on the shows you love.
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For physical events that happen at a specific time. For example a concert, or dance performance. If there are multiple shows, you can still duplicate your event to cover them all.

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For online / livestream events. This will allow you to include a livestream url and have it featured in our livestream listings.

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(Jobs, Funding, Calls to Artists)

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