
cinematic from Vancouver BC
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since circa 2000
Guitarist/electronicist Randall Schmid and Chris Kelly lead this exciting group of atmospheric, electro-acoustic groove merchants of a high caliber! Adios has been a part of Vancouver's live music scene. They include innovative players Skye Brooks Pete Schmitt and J.P. Carter, performing at rooms such as 1067 and the Sugar Refinery, as well as a part of Rising In The West concert and Vancouver International Jazz Festival..

The audio/effect they adhere to: live drums, electric bass, loops, electronics,guitar fx,improvisation = beautiful, haunting, crushing, atmosphere, funny... This kooky flock of birds can induce in the audience surprise, elation, a trans-like-state and a barrell of laughs, all the while pursuing their shared passion for heavy grooves and live electro-acoustic improv.

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Current Lineup

Randall Schmid
Chris Kelly
JP Carter
Skye Brooks

Past Members

Masa J. Anzai
? - 2004

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