
from Vancouver BC
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since circa 2009
May the Bridges I Burn Light the Way Forward is the first full length album by AK-747s. Inexplicably tied with Black Mountain and beating out Mother Mother in the 2011 WestEnder Best of Vancouver poll, AK-747s burns bridges and slaughters sacred cows. We play fast music. Topics include war, murder, betrayal, encouraged suicide, and a pretty butterfly. This isn't a fashion show.

"The heaviest, rawest performance with delicate string instruments I've ever heard." - Vancouver Weekly

"Outside of the masquerading social pageant that is often independent music in Vancouver, proudly stands AK-747s." - Beatroute, 2013

"I heard two tracks and I liked 'em." - Chris Walter, acclaimed punk rock author

"They make music under a kind of punk rock sobriquet rouge, insisted upon with pseudo-serious urgency. " - Beatroute, 2010

"With so many bands in Vancouver being full of hipsters and synth, I think its great the AK-747s are challenging Vancouver in the way they are, and I hope they keep doing it." - Front and Center, Co-Op Radio 102.7FM

"I think that the lead singer actually thinks the world is beautiful place." - ShInDiG Judge

"The heaviest, rawest performance with delicate string instruments I've ever heard." - Vancouver Weekly

"With so many bands in Vancouver being full of hipsters and synth, I think its great the AK-747s are challenging Vancouver in the way they are, and I hope they keep doing it." - Front and Center, Co-Op Radio 102.7FM

"I heard two tracks and I liked 'em." - Chris Walter

"They make music under a kind of punk rock sobriquet rouge, insisted upon with pseudo-serious urgency. " - Beatroute

"I think that the lead singer actually thinks the world is beautiful place." - ShInDiG Judge
Available for Shows/Gigs

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21:00 00:00

Current Lineup

Rob Nuclear
Chris Neumeyer
2010 - present
Craig Wigby
2012 - present

Past Members

Izzy Gibson
drums, vocals
? - 2012
Michael Bowd
? - 2011
Rhys Lillo
2009 - 2014

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