Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra (featuring Wynton Marsalis)

from New York
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Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra (featuring Wynton Marsalis)

“Technical brilliance, stylistic authenticity and tonal sheen…the greatest large jazz ensemble working today.”—Chicago Tribune
The world-renowned Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra is comprised of 15 of the finest soloists and ensemble players in the music. Since 1988 this incredible big band and resident orchestra of Jazz at Lincoln Center has performed and led educational events in New York and around the globe. They perform in concert halls, dance venues, jazz clubs, public parks, river boats, and churches while working with symphony orchestras, ballet troupes, students, and an ever-expanding roster of guest artists. Drawing from an extensive repertoire that includes original compositions by Wynton Marsalis and other members of the orchestra, as well as the masterworks of Duke Ellington, Charles Mingus, John Coltrane, and other great composers, the JLCO’s concerts are always lively and entertaining. Marsalis is the music director of the JLCO and artistic director of Jazz at Lincoln Center. As an accomplished trumpeter, composer, bandleader, advocate for the arts, and educator, he has helped propel jazz to the forefront of American culture. His contribution was recognized in 1997 when he became the first jazz artist to be awarded the Pulitzer Prize in music for his work Blood on the Fields. As a player, Wynton’s clear trumpet tone and beautifully crafted solos are breathtaking to hear. With Sean Jones, Ryan Kisor, Marcus Printup trumpets, Sherman Irby, Ted Nash, Walter Blanding, Victor Goines, Joe Temperley saxophones/clarinets, Vincent R. Gardner, Elliot Mason, Chris Crenshaw trombones, Dan Nimmer piano, Carlos Henriquez bass, Ali Jackson drums.

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Current Lineup

Wynton Marsalis
Ryan Kisor
Marcus Printup
Sherman Irby
alto sax
Ted Nash
alto/soprano sax/clarinet
Walter Blanding
tenor/soprano sax/clarinet
Victor Goines
tenor/soprano sax, Bb/bass clarinets
Joe Temperley
Elliot Mason
Chris Crenshaw
Dan Nimmer
Ali Jackson

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