Jim Byrnes' House of Refuge

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Jim Byrnes' House of Refuge

Whiskey-voiced blues man Jim Byrnes has had an impressive career over the decades, but he really hit pay dirt when he hooked up with his current collaborators, Vancouver’s gospel vocal trio, the Sojourners (Marcus Mosely, Will Sanders and Ron Small). These U.S. expats sing with gorgeous harmonies reminiscent of 1940s groups like The Golden Gate Quartet. The collaboration between Byrnes and the Sojourners culminated with House of Refuge, a CD that garnered a 2008 Juno Award nomination for “Blues Album of the Year”. This was a career highlight for the group and the subsequent live performances have been ecstatic crowd-pleasers that always get audiences jumping to their feet. A veteran musician and Juno Award winner, Byrnes is revered for his soulful music as well as his gravelly voice and on-stage charisma.

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Jim Byrnes
Will Sanders
Ron Small
Steve Dawson
Keith Lowe

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