Ezeadi Onukwulu and One Human Race

Afrobeat from Vancouver BC
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Ezeadi Onukwulu and One Human Race

Nigerian vocalist/percussionist Ezeadi Onukwulu’s music is based on traditional Igbo rhythms, evoking the spirit of highlife and Afrobeat with splashes of funk, jazz, blues, and reggae. The lyrics are prayers and appeals to universal consciousness and our conscience to make the world a better place for all. With Nick Apivor keyboards/marimba/percussion, Trevor Ainsworth drums, Robert Thomson bass guitar, Graig Robertson guitar, Salvetina Agba, Roxxanne Faye, Marion Landers vocals/background animation.
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Last Lineup

Ezeadi Onukwulu
Nick Apivor
Robert Thomson
bass guitar
Salvetina Agba
vocals/background animation
Roxxanne Faye
vocals/background animation
Marion Landers
vocals/background animation
Unlinked Musician
2009 - The End

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