Cruel Shoes Rock N' Blues Band

rockin blues from Victoria BC


Cruel Shoes Rock N' Blues Band

since circa 1993
Cruel Shoes' self titled CD is an impressive recording debut for the popular Victoria band.

Ernie Niederer (lead vocals, rhythm guitar,blues harp), Dave Cornock (vocals, lead guitar), Carl Smyth (bass guitar), and Stu Ruff (drums) rock their way through 11 covers and originals.
The songs are a a mix of nostalgic blasts from the past and original tracks are, as the boys put it, "played from within".
Cruel Shoes has been playing the local scene for years and have proven their ability to put on a great live show.
Check us out on Youtube
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Current Lineup

Ernie Niederer
Guitar/Lead Vocals
1993 - present
Dave Cornock
Lead Guitar/Vocals
1993 - present
Stu Ruff
1993 - present
Ric Lawrence
2017 - present
Norm Piercy
2024 - present

Past Members

Carl Smyth
1993 - 2004
Tom Leddy
2005 - 2009
Doug Thorsteinson
2009 - 2016
Steve Sawatsky
2014 - 2020
Jeff Mousley
2017 - 2024

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