A Spectre is Haunting Europe

post-punk, deathrock from Vancouver BC
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A Spectre is Haunting Europe

Label: SImulacre
since circa 2002
Intentionally ambiguous in both meaning and style, theirs is a music hewn in dirty ice, eroded by bloody history, and shrouded in the bleary, blustery mystery of the present. Guitars alternately grate, gibble, and blanket. Rhythms undulate, echo, march on. Stories about the dead and the barely living. Shadowplay (RU) calls them "nervous, hysterical, explosive". Punk Planet praises the band as "intelligible and beautiful ... easily holds a place amongst the past greats". Indygoth exclaims, "Oh Canada....thank you for making such dark fine music!" Rock critic Mick Mercer, who ranks Astonishing Tales in his Top Ten list for 2004, proclaims them as "standing indie expectations on their heads...thrashing out a brand new sound which is head and shoulders above typical indie".

Community Events

Current Lineup

Jean H
Matthew Sheppard

Past Members

Marina Stamboulieh
2002 - 2005
Darcy Bangsund
2002 - 2004
Damon Stamoulieh
2004 - 2005

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