Dave Reimer

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Dave Reimer

Since taking apart and refinishing his first electric bass at age 13,Dave has combined his love of playing music with building and repairing the instruments that make it into a life long passion.
Citing fellow musician Paul Iverson as one of his major influences, both as a bassist/vocalist and luthier/repairman, Dave has enjoyed a successful career performing and recording with such Canadian artists as Bryan Adams, The Headpins, BTO, Barney Bentall and the Legendary Hearts, Randy Bachmann and Lee Aaron among others as well as building and repairing guitars for the Odds, Colin James, John Kay, Ben Mink, Elvis Costello and many more. Bio written by Tom Lee Music.
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Vox Phantom
Sensible Shoes
BTO 1987 to 1988
The Kidz
1981 - 1983
The Race
1980 - 1981
City Slicker aka City

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