BTO 1987 to 1988

from Vancouver BC
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BTO 1987 to 1988

circa 1987 - circa 1988
Tim Bachman wrote or co-wrote several songs during his tenure with Brave Belt and BTO, including "Put It In a Song" (with Turner) for the Brave Belt II album, "Down and Out Man" (with R. B. Charles) for the first BTO album, and "Blown" (with Randy) and "I Don't Have To Hide" for Bachman–Turner Overdrive II.
Bachman left BTO in 1974, shortly after the release of Bachman–Turner Overdrive II, to spend more time with his family and to work on concert promotion.[2] He was replaced by Blair Thornton.
He rejoined BTO (along with Randy Bachman, Fred Turner and Garry Peterson) for a 1984 reunion album and supporting tours, including a high profile world tour opening for Van Halen. He then led touring versions of the band in 1987 and 1988. Source Wikipedia
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Past Members

Tim Bachman
1987 - 1988
Jim Robinson
1987 - 1988
Mike Kelly
1987 - 1988
Rick Fedyk
1987 - 1988
Ross Nunan
1987 - 1988
Dave Reimer
Randy Murray

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