Rock / Pop from Vancouver BC
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Label: Wicked Vixen Records
since circa 2000
Powerful, Aggressive, “In-Your-Face” – ROCK! “...Carmelina has a chiseled face (with cheekbones that could easily slice soft margarine) and piercing eyes, pretty much the kind of look that would be the envy of most women worldwide.” Sheng Yuen, MTV Asia.

Vancouver singer/songwriter Carmelina Cupo has the full package for success. She not only offers a universally appealing sound, which manages to be edgy and melodic, she has this ironically vulnerable innocence and undeniable beauty that captivates audiences instantaneously.

“Carmelina’s main advantage is that she is a clever songwriter.” Ken Eisner, The Georgia Straight Vancouver.

Carmelina has been recognized by Billboard Magazine for the Billboard Songwriting Contest, coming in Top 500 out of 10,000 entries worldwide (with an honourable mention) for her song, “Waiting”. Her debut album was nominated for Best Album in the 2001 West Coast Music Awards. Furthermore, Carmelina was a feature artist at the NEMO Boston Music Conference and the Nashville Music Conference. She was the only Canadian female asked to perform the National Anthem for the Nashville Predators vs. the Edmonton Oilers game in Nashville, as a kick off to the... show more

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