Profile Image: Dave Goodman

Dave Goodman

from Vancouver BC
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Dave Goodman

Instruments: Guitar details
*Dave Goodman, guitarist, singer and songwriter was born in Victoria B.C. Canada on March 28, 1965. The youngest of seven children, he grew up in a musical household. Starting with the violin at age 12, he quickly changed over to the electric guitar taking private lessons and playing with his older brothers. As a teenager, under the tutelage of his mentor, West Coast blues guitar master and technician Dave Vidal, he learned to play blues as well as guitar building and repair, electronics, and pickup winding. From age 15-18 while still at home he immersed himself in jazz playing with school mate (future Skywalk keyboardist) Miles Black in the Victoria clubs and jazz cafes. At age 17, Goodman was selected as best high school jazz guitarist in the province of British Columbia to play in "The Honor Jazz Ensemble“ led by Canadian Jazz legend Phil Nimmons. After graduating from high school, Dave moved to Vancouver to study jazz at Vancouver College under Bruce Clausen. * From the website

Photo by Manfred Pollert, 2015

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1983 - 1994

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