Profile Image: Kountry Kings, Frank Boyer & the

Kountry Kings, Frank Boyer & the

Country from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
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Kountry Kings, Frank Boyer & the

since 1968
The Kountry Kings played "right off the hit parade country music" in the late 1960s-1970s. They were so popular they booked their gigs two years ahead! The band began in 1968 with bandleader Frank Boyer Jr. "by accident" at a house party in Echo Bay. Original members Boyer, John McClenaghan and Ken Findlay were just picking and singing and decided to form a group. Along with Gary Mason, they booked their first show just two months later and as word spread they became a band in demand! Member changes included Jerry Pennett, Armond Desjardins, Addie Metivier and Chip Williams. The Kings played at a variety of events from weddings to parades, private parties and at the annual Cornfest. They were regulars at The Elks, The Fireside Inn, and many other area pubs. An article in the Sault Star (April 9, 1976) by Robin Koivisto creatively stated "Kan the Kountry Kings kontinue to keep kountry music kooking in Sault Ste. Marie? Of kourse they kan!"
Broken Up

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Last Lineup

Frank Boyer
1968 - The End
Armond Desjardins "Rhythm King"
1976 - The End
Al Mooney
1978 - The End
Wayne Shaughnessy
1978 - The End
George Sherrard
pedal steel guitar
1978 - The End

Past Members

John McClenaghan
1968 - 1976
Ken Findlay
1968 - 1976
Gary Mason
1968 - 1978
Jerry Pennant
Addie Metivier
pedal steel
1976 - 1978
Chip Williams
1976 - 1978

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