Profile Image: Those Rogues

Those Rogues

60s Pop / Rock / British Invasion from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
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Those Rogues

circa 1963 - circa 1967
The Rogues started their career playing in the Moose Hall in Thessalon in the very early 60’s. They then got their first break by filling in for the Fireflies at the Peppermint Hall in the Soo, before moving across Queen Street to play at the former Knights of Columbus Hall. Rumour has it, they were the last group to play at the Peppermint Hall, before it burned down [does anyone know the date that happened?].

The Rogues finally made an LP with the help of producer John Holt from Algoma Productions. Holt got them a little air time at CKCY radio and possibly CJIC.

Recordings: "Wish I Could See You Again" and "Girl"

In 1963 or ’64, the group recorded a whole LP worth of songs in John Holt’s basement. John Holt had about 10 acetate copies without covers made from the tape, some of which were used for promotion. Any copies John Holt had of this were lost in a house fire, and both Bryan and Terry have lost their copies. Does anyone have this lost artifact of Soo rock n’ roll?

Broken Up

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( 1967 Algoma Productions )

Last Lineup

Keith Stephen
Raymond Gassi
Mike Jargan
Rick Rogers
Brian Primeau

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