John Yun

Conductor / Pianist from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
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John Yun

Instruments: Piano/Keyboards details
John Yun is a multi-faceted Canadian musician, seamlessly interchanging between different music genres and roles with ease and fluidity. John is frequently engaged as a music director, collaborative artist, jazz pianist, conductor, and opera repetiteur. He was most recently the associate conductor for the 1st national tour of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in 2019, as well as a 15-month world tour of West Side Story in 2016-18, and the 2015-16 international tour of Annie. In 2014, he served as music director for the North American tour of Godspell. In 2013, he was head opera coach and assistant conductor for UWOpera’s production of Mozart’s Cosi Fan Tutte , as well as music director for Drayton Entertainment’s production of “Songs of Sinatra”. In 2012, he was one of three collaborative artists at La Musica Lirica opera program in Novafeltria, Italy, and in 2011 he studied at the Canadian Operatic Arts Academy.

John has conducted performances in over 20 countries. Regional engagements include: Drayton Festival Theatre, Stratford Festival Theatre, Victoria's Playhouse Petrolia, St. Jacobs Playhouse, and Sarnia’s Imperial Theatre. Yun is also a 1st place winner ... show more

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