Profile Image: Caged Spider

Caged Spider

from Victoria BC
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Caged Spider

circa 1976
Dave Hill and I had been playing in a blues band called Blame Georgie with Nick Hall-Patch around the time we put together this music/poetry/performance piece featuring the poetry of Ken Fernstrom. We called ourselves Caged Spider and it grew out of crazy jams we indulged in during our University days in the late 60's early 70's which in turn grew out of my first 1967 rock band The Pre Raphaelite Movement with Dave Kelley on bass and Larry Filipchuk on drums. The performance involved a combo of guitar and voice, sound effects and percussion and visual effects. The last poem was entitled "The Day I Quit The Construction Company". The entire poem was as follows - "I would of finished if I could have found another brick". As the performance evolved we started building a brick wall between ourselves and the audience (not very big admittedly).
One year later Pink Floyd released The Wall - The Nerve! Bill Sample and company were the "warm up act". Robert Lifton
Broken Up

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