Photo by: Virginia Maria Photography


Alternative Rock from Kingston Ontario
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since 2022
Echoes is a 5 piece alternative rock band from Kingston, playing a wide variety of alternative covers as well as original material.

The band:

Joey McWilliams on vocals, Ben Webb on the guitar and vocals. Josh Lees, guitar, Austin Friend, the bass and vocals, and Jason Goettler, the drums.

Echoes officially started playing together in July 2022, but the current lineup solidified in November 2023. Their music came together through a combination of pre-written songs and collaborative songwriting.

When it comes to their musical influences, Echoes draws inspiration from a diverse range of artists. Some of their biggest influences include Alexisonfire, Death Cab for Cutie, La Dispute, Kongos, TWRP, Gorillaz, Linkin Park, Led Zeppelin, Mastodon, and many more. While they appreciate these artists, Echoes has a unique sound and does not aim to sound like any specific band.

Their first gig as a band took place at The Royal Tavern 2.0 for the Homegrown Music Festival in 2023. It was an exciting experience for them to kick off their journey alongside other talented local acts.

In terms of touring, Echoes would love to hit the road with local bands they have had the pleasure of playing with, such as Stunseed, Shook Planet, or Pound Salt. They value the camaraderie and shared passion for music that comes with touring together.

The band is currently working on recording demos of their original songs and writing more music. They have a top-secret project in the works for later this year, which adds an element of excitement to their musical journey. Echoes is eager to release quality recordings and put out albums, allowing their music to reach a wider audience.

To stay connected with Echoes and follow their musical dreams, you can find them on Facebook at Echoes - Kingston and on Instagram at @Echoes.Kingston.

They are also planning to release their music on various streaming platforms in the near future, making it even easier for fans to discover them!
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Current Lineup

Joey Mcwilliams
2022 - present
Ben Webb
Lead Guitar / Vocals
2022 - present
Josh Lees
Rhythm Guitar
2022 - present
Jason Goettler
2022 - present
Austin Friend
Bass / Vocals
2023 - present

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