Profile Image: Ron Chamberlain's Orchestra

Ron Chamberlain's Orchestra

from Victoria BC
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Ron Chamberlain's Orchestra

circa 1963 - circa 1964
Ron Chamberlain played in or led a number of instrumental dance combos, playing mostly standards, e.g., from fake books. His brother Larry Chamberlain, is listed with the Hidden Fifth and may be a source of information. In the mid-late 60's and early 70's Ron led The Kandi Brass. A number of people played with him during that time, some as regulars some as pick-up sidemen. The regulars included: George Porter (drums), Ron Welch (bass), Bonnie Sprinkle (sax), Onil Leblanc (trumpet), Jon McGrath (trumpet & guitar), Ted Keene (bass), Mike Hortie (guitar). Other sidemen included: Reg Young (bass) Ralph Adolph (drums). I believe Ron died in the early 1980's. I also think that Ron, as a sax player in the late 50's, played with Victoria musicians who later went on to become C-Fun Classics and The Collectors - but I'm not entirely certain of that.
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Past Members

George Porter
1963 - 1964
Ron Welch
1963 - 1964
Bonnie Sprinkle
1963 - 1964
Onil Leblanc
1963 - 1964
Jon McGrath
1963 - 1964
Ted Keene
1963 - 1964
Mike Hortie
1963 - 1964
Reg Young
1963 - 1964
Ralph Adolphe
1963 - 1964
Ron Chamberlain
1963 - 1964

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