Bande X

from Vancouver BC
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Bande X

Dylan van der Schyff's Bande X
Cadence magazine calls Vancouver’s Dylan van der Schyff “a complete player whose subtle percussive gestures are as meaningful as a full-on barrage of drums.” A ubiquitous presence in Vancouver’s heralded jazz and improvised music community, van der Schyff excels whatever the context—mainstream jazz and free-improv settings, or theatre, dance, and film projects. He works in Vancouver bands like Talking Pictures and the NOW Orchestra and with local players like Peggy Lee, Brad Turner, and Tony Wilson. He also collaborates with international improvisers Dave Douglas, Mark Helias, Louis Sclavis, and Achim Kaufmann. With Brad Turner trumpet, Ron Samworth guitar, Torsten Müller bass.
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Brad Turner
Ron Samworth

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