Profile Image: Black Angus

Black Angus

West Coast Celtic from Victoria BC


Black Angus

since circa 2008
Black Angus is about good songs, good humour, good friends, and good whisky. Gareth Hurwood is the voice, the guitar, the poetry, and the passion. Alex MacCuaig is the driving force on bass and harmonies. Sarah Tradewell on fiddle brings traditional fire and grace, while Tom Salter on drums ties up the package with his focused drive and irresistible beat. Two of their other regular collaborators are the incomparable Chris Van Sickle on keys and the virtuosic James Whittall on mandolin.

Their powerful performances take listeners from Vancouver Island to Ireland and back again, fueled by their collaboration and sheer enjoyment of the music. Black Angus' show has a high energy level and great stage presence that is instantly communicated to their audience. Black Angus is devoted to great songs, and is near-impossible to pigeon-hole: Traditional & contemporary Irish, acoustic roots, Americana, West Coast Celtic, blues and old-time are all part of the Black Angus sound.

Black Angus has been honoured to work with: Daniel Lapp (fiddle), Jesse Cobb (mandolin), Emma Loy (fiddle), Patrick M'Gonigle (fiddle), Moritz Behm (fiddle), Nellie Quinn (fiddle), Matt Bromley (slide guitar), Paul O'Brien (guitar/mandolin), Craig Moddle (harmonica), Andrew Morris (bodhran), Mike Roma (banjo), Ronald Bell (piano), Dougal Bain McLean (fiddle), Calvin Cairns (fiddle), and Leah Winters (fiddle).
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Current Lineup

Gareth Hurwood
Guitar, Vocals
2008 - present
Alex MacCuaig
acoustic bass
2008 - present
Tom Salter
2009 - present
Sarah Tradewell
2010 - present
Chris Van Sickle
2010 - present
James Whittall
2014 - present

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