Coat Cooke & the Fiddlers

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Coat Cooke & the Fiddlers

Coat Cooke and the Fiddlers/Coat Cooke Trio
Leader of the acclaimed improvising, large ensemble the NOW Orchestra, Vancouver saxophonist Coat Cooke heads up two exciting groups in this year’s Festival. His new electronically upholstered quintet, the Fiddlers, features J.P. Carter trumpet/electronics, Chad MacQuarrie guitar, Tommy Babin bass, and Skye Brooks drums. Cooke’s hard-hitting and interactive trio features bassist Clyde Reed, also a longtime member of NOW and who has played with Vinny Golia, Rich Halley, and other icons of West Coast free jazz. Drummer Skye Brooks is an integral part of our scene who also plays in rock and alternative groups.
JUNE 24 Gastown—Victory Square (Coat Cooke Trio)
JUNE 26 The Ironworks (Coat Cooke and the Fiddlers)

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JP Carter

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