Death Tone Frequency

from Squamish BC
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Death Tone Frequency

since circa 2014
Death Tone Frequency was spawned in Squamish, BC, where the inflow of the Pacific Ocean meets the rock monolith Stawamus Chief and the ruggedness of the Coastal Mountains. A place where the indomitable forces of both beauty and nature collide creating a spectrum of diversity and general lust for life that is virtually unparalleled. It is from the depths of this confluence that it's members captured their sound and dynamics akin to the bands surroundings while staying true to the old school Squamish "Take no shit!!" logger roots. Coupling thunderous, biting guitar with warm, monstrous bass tones and drums that give you a 1-2 kick to the head, DTF paints musical portraits of both the struggles and the jubilations that make up the tapestry of life.
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Current Lineup

Pat Prine
2014 - present
Darren Moore
2014 - present
Dean Bezener
2014 - present
Taylor Bruneski
2014 - present

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