Double Platinum

Rock'n'Soul with Dark Roots from Victoria BC
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Double Platinum

since circa 2010
Double Platinum is musical group from Victoria B.C. featuring an ecletic blend of folk, rock, gyspy and soul. High energy and big passion brought to the table by 4 talented and exhuberant muscians here to raise your vibrations to the roof! The music is fun and upbeat, carrying stories of our time and messages of love.

Everything always comes together when the timing the right. Double Platinum met at local open mics and parties while doing what they love playing music. When the chemistry is right the sparks fly, that's exactly what's been happening. Each member adds their own special talent to the music creating a sound that is dynamic, electric and theatrical.

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Current Lineup

Andrea Zonnis
2010 - present
Adam Zonnis "The Original Sin"
2010 - present
Jackson Traplin
2010 - present
Kelly Hobson
2010 - present

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