Profile Image: Easy Money

Easy Money

from Victoria BC


Easy Money

circa 1981 - circa 1983
Anonymous suggestion left 9/24/06:
*Linda Humphries was subsequently Linda McRae of Spirit of the West and then released solo work.

From late 1981 to about mid 1983 when the band split, Jon McGrath replaced Karl Horrigan on guitar and vocals.

I loved Easy Money! (totally biased, Karl Hourigan is my brother). He is still making original music - and lots of public gigs. Now based in Kelowna. Still has a day job, but a great, fun band "The Malakerys"...have played in Victoria and at the Garage in Duncan.
Broken Up

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Past Members

Linda McRae
1978 - 1981
Dave Hill
Karl Hourigan
Rob Lifton
Jon McGrath
70s - 80s

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