Fighting For Ithaca

from Vancouver BC
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other sites: myspace


Fighting For Ithaca

Label: 604 Records
"Who says that you can't always get what you want? While that might have rung true for the Rolling Stones all those years ago, Vancouver pop-punk band Fighting For Ithaca clearly wasn't paying attention."

Fighting For Ithaca, who reside in Vancouver, British Columbia, have definitely been growing their name within the Canadian music scene lately. And, I think it is fair to say that will not be letting down anytime soon.

The band goes on to mention their formation, saying "The origins of Fighting For Ithaca date back a number of years. After a somewhat revolving door of band members came and went from the band, Fighting For Ithaca would become a union, a pact between friends to leave their mark upon the world. And with that Curtis Steeksma, Jonny, Tommy Phoenix, Adamm Strange and Phil Maloney are all fighting the same good fight. And that, in part, is what will set Fighting For Ithaca apart from countless other bands determined to make a career in music." And, friends Curtis Steeksma (vocals), Jon Steeksma (guitar), Adamm Strange (guitar), Tommy Phoenix (bass) and Phil Maloney (drums) have proven their determination and are earning this week's 'Song of the Week' for their song, Last Chance.

Fighting For Ithaca released their first record, titled Thanks For Waiting, independently on March 7th 2010. And, although the release gained five star reviews and helped the band evolve, their most recent release, To The Rescue!!, definitely put this band in the eyes of fans all around the world.

To The Rescue!! was released to iTunes on October 22nd 2012. But, instead of being released independently, Fighting For Ithaca earned themselves a spot on the roster of Vancouver, British Columbia's [known] record label, 604 Records. On the band's Facebook page they say, "One evening in a Vancouver club, fate would intervene. Fighting For Ithaca drummer Maloney bumped into 604 head honcho Jonathan Simkin and handed him a copy of the group's debut EP. Much to the band’s delight, they discovered that Simkin was already familiar with the band and had played some of their music for those gathered in a 604 staff meeting at one point and had received a favourable response from those in attendance." And, let's just say the rest evolved from there.

So, fast forward to today and Fighting For Ithaca are growing more and more by the minute. They have already earned [almost] five and a half thousand 'likes' on Facebook and well over twenty two thousand followers on Twitter, not to mention over two hundred thousand views on the official music video for this week's 'Song of the Week', Last Chance, on Youtube. And, we all know this is just the beginning. Fighting For Ithaca's future is most certainly a bright one. So, make sure you check out this Vancouver, British Columbia band and see just what everyone is talking about.
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other sites: myspace

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