Industrial from Surrey BC
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since circa 2001
FMTA initially formed in 2001 with Andrew Matecha and Steve Springman collaborating musically, working towards creating music of a unique, meaningful and notable heavy-industrial style.

After a few years of fairly reclusive songwriting and recording, FMTA gained a new member, Tyler Davidson, who brought the sound of his well-distorted guitars into the mix.

FMTA later released their debut studio-recorded EP, entitled "In The End, You Don't Exist", on December 8th, 2006.

At the beginning of 2007, singer Jen Langille was recruited to join the band, in a step to bring the band further realization of their musical & artistic goals.

More recently, the band have parted ways with guitarist Tyler Davidson but continue to write new material in anticipation of a summer 2007 e-release.
Broken Up

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Last Lineup

Andrew Matecha
songwriting, programming, production, keyboards, backing vocals
2001 - The End
Andrew Matecha
2001 - The End
Steve Springman
vocals, lyrics
2001 - The End
Jen Langille
2001 - The End
Jen Langille
vocals, lyrics
2006 - The End

Past Members

Tyler Davidson
guitar, backing vocals
2004 - 2007

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