
instrumental from Vancouver BC
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Label: Drip Audio
since circa 2003
Inhabitants continue to push forward into new sonic territory with "A Vacant Lot", their third full-length on Drip Audio. Spacious and expressive, the new album explores the dynamic relationship between chaos and form through experimental sound, intuitive group interplay and instrumental composition. There is new diversity in the music; rich textured landscapes augmented by electronics and feedback are contrasted with moments of intimate acoustic minimalism. A reflective mood pervades the new landscape Inhabitants occupy on A Vacant Lot, their improvisations and compositions permeated with an uncommon, yet alluring lyricism.

Formed in 2004, Vancouver's Inhabitants have ascended to become one of Canada's most prominent creative music ensembles. In 2009, Inhabitants were nominated for a Juno Award for 'Instrumental Album of the Year', a National Jazz Award for 'Electric Group of the Year' and a Western Canadian Music Award for 'Instrumental Recording of the Year'! Their singular approach defies genre, melding jazz, rock, noise and free improvisation with new perspective. Trumpeter JP Carter, guitarist Dave Sikula, bassist Pete Schmitt and drummer Skye Brooks find a rare cohesiveness in Inhabitants, cultivated from years of musical collaboration in groups like Fond of Tigers, Copilots, Carsick, DarkBlueWorld, The NOW Orchestra and Tony Wilson's 6tet.


"...displays music chops, a sense of fun, and a deep connection to the droning soundscapes they create." - Music Emissions

"...a quite coherent and unique musical vision." - Free Jazz

"A kick ass album." - Left Hip

"Inhabitants craft a wicked brew, blending cathartic noise, solid rhythmic patterns and deft melodic passages." - Exclaim!

"It's one of those CDs you rediscover each time you listen to it." - FFWD Weekly

“...dense, mind-bending a jazz revolution waiting to happen.” - The Calgary Sun

" a league with very few others." -

"...what jazz was supposed to become."
- Left Hip Magazine

"Progressive, moodily ascending and impassioned..." - Edmonton Sun

"...raw vitality...spacious expressiveness...a sonic treat." -CODA

"a sound nothing short of spectacular..." -Georgia Straight

"the most exciting new band in Canada." -Moers Festival (Germany)

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Current Lineup

JP Carter
2003 - present
Dave Sikula
2003 - present
Pete Schmitt
2003 - present
Skye Brooks
2003 - present

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