Jared Burrows

jazz, world music from Vancouver BC
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Jared Burrows

Instruments: Guitar, Bass, Piano/Keyboards, Clarinet, drums, accordion details
Jared Burrows is a guitarist, composer, scholar, and producer based in Vancouver, BC, Canada. He has performed extensively on the concert stage, festivals, radio and television throughout Canada and the USA. Burrows performs as a leader and sideman with a huge array of jazz, new music, and world music ensembles ensembles in Vancouver and since 2009 has curated the Jazz at Presentation House series. He holds a PhD in Arts Education and MMus in Jazz Studies and teaches at Capilano University where he is the coordinator of the Jazz Studies Department.

See website for details: www.jaredburrows.com
Active / Available
other sites: blogspot

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Jared Burrows Trio
2001 - The End
East Van Jazz Orchestra

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