Profile Image: Joey Chaos and the Ghosts

Joey Chaos and the Ghosts

Dark Wave from Vancouver BC


Joey Chaos and the Ghosts

since circa 2007
Three darkwave angels whose grungy headquarters is in East Van. The Ghosts are Megan Krenbrink on drums, Andrew Walker on guitar and Joey Chaos yelling into a mic. A reactive, cathartic response to social and political discord, social ennui, love and anomie. We melt digital technology and analog instrumentation to create distorted synthetic soundscapes, jagged guitar blasts and brutalist beats to carry shrouded words.

We’ve snuck onto stages big and small, from house parties to Juno week.
Available for Shows/Gigs

Current Lineup

Joey Chaos
2007 - present
Andrew Walker
2007 - present
Megan Kenbrink
2017 - present

Past Members

Unlinked Musician
2002 - 2007
Brian Hartlan
2012 - 2016
Ian Cardona
2015 - 2016
Lesley Law
2017 - 2018
other sites: tumblr

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Band Articles

Joey Chaos and The Ghosts Release Single
Joey Chaos and The Ghosts have released their new single, “Fear.” The first in a series of recordings to be released in the coming months, the song is gritty and compelling. A mixture of 90s rock n’ roll and 80s new wave, their brand ...
Author: Chloe Hoy
Published by: Permanent Rain Press

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