Josh Martinez

from Vancouver BC
Age: 31 (estimated)
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Josh Martinez

Instruments: Vocals details
Josh Martinez is among one of Western Canada's premier hip hop artists by far.

Touring North America endlessly, Josh has become a one-man force to be reckoned with. Outselling almost all Canadian independents through a combination of accessible music and relentless touring, Martinez has captured thousands of fans and long-term devotees.

Besides impressing audiences all over North America Martinez has managed to find time to develop two other groups as well. Josh is a founding member of both The Chicharones and The Pissed Off Wild. The Chicharones is Josh’s underground pop project with rapper Sleep of Oldominion. Together they have released two full length albums since a chance meeting between the two at South By Southwest led to the formation of the group. The Pissed Off Wild, (or the P.O.W.), is a live rock band which Martinez fronts. Musically the band draws more from artists like the Black Keys and Beck, than the hip-hop sounds that Martinez would generally be known for.
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The Chicharones
Josh Martinez

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