Kent Wallace

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Kent Wallace

Kent Wallace Trumpet- Began performing at national and international festivals at a
young age. He has performed at the I.S.M.E. Conference in Seoul, South Korea
at age 12, the I.A.J.E. Conference in San Antonio, Texas, the Montreal Jazz
festival and the Montreaux Jazz Festival in Montreaux, Switzerland to name a
few. Currently, Kent is a busy professional musician based in Vancouver
having played with groups such as the Hard Rubber Orchestra, Orquestra Goma
Dura, Veji, Powder Blues, The Night Train Revue, The Jill Townsend Big Band and Billy Dixon's Soul Train Express
2005 juno nominee for contemporary jazz Sekoya, and many other funk, R&B,
Jazz and salsa groups. Recently Kent was hired to play for the Royal
Winnipeg Ballet's production of Cinderella, and he has also been the musical
director for theatre productions. In his time studying music at Capilano
College, Kent studied with Juno Award winning Trumpeter Brad Turner for
three years. He has played with and accompanied many fine musicians: Brad
Turner, Kenny Werner, Ian MacDougall, Cedar Walton, Seamus Blake, The Rankin
Sisters, Jim Byrnes, Tommy Banks, Dee Daniels, Denzel Sinclaire, Campbell
Ryga, Miles Black and Ross Taggart to name a few.

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