Profile Image: LaSaM


experimental-avant garde-improvisation from Victoria BC
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Label: independent
since circa 2007
LaSaM (Victoria, BC, Canada) is an eclectic ensemble of composer-performers that creates and performs acoustic, electro-acoustic and electronic new music from an approach grounded in creative improvisation. LaSaM designs performance events that bring attention to the many ways we listen and that sometimes foster an enhanced engagement between performers and audience.

Audiences have called LaSaM concerts “exquisite”, absolutely beautiful”, “brilliant” “mesmerizing” and “powerful”.

As well as presenting the collaborations of its members, LaSaM regularly programs unique versions of works by composers whose innovation and spirit have profoundly influenced the practice of creative music making in recent times. These composers have included Alvin Lucier, John Cage, Pauline Oliveros, James Tenney, Earle Brown, Alvin Curran, Gavin Bryars, Martin Bartlett and others. LaSaM has also presented re-imagined versions of compositions by JS Bach, Ludwig Van Beethoven and traditional works from many cultures.

LaSaM has presented events in Victoria as part of the Victoria Symphony's New Currents Festival, has been hosted by the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, The Royal BC Museum, Open Space, Contemporary Art Gallery (Vancouver) Surrey Art Gallery (Surrey, BC) and the Legacy Art Gallery, and self-produced events at Metro Studio, Grace Lutheran, Knox Presbyterian and St John the Divine Churches, Orange Hall, Fort Street Cafe, Durrance Lake, and other locations.
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Current Lineup

Tina Pearson
Director, composer-performer
2007 - present
George Tzanetakis
Director, composer-performer, tech director
2007 - present
Paul Walde
Director, composer-performer
2012 - present

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