Profile Image: LegZZ - Tribute To ZZ Top

LegZZ - Tribute To ZZ Top

from Vancouver BC
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LegZZ - Tribute To ZZ Top

Label: n/a
since circa 2013
LegZZ is the ultimate tribute to legends ZZ Top.
LegZZ is a polished tribute band with an incredible stage show appealing to audiences of all ages. What separates LegZZ from other tribute groups is the attention to detail in their show. The authentic long beards, the perfectly performed music, vocals and moves. This is completed by period perfect, custom-built guitars, including the fuzzy spinning ones! Every show is a fun and memorable event. Their 90-minute extravaganza encompasses the entire ZZ Top hit catalogue from the 1970's to present day.

For inquiries please email

or call 604 476 0634
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