
experimentalsparklenoisepop from Vancouver BC
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other sites: sonicbids



Label: Independent
since circa 2013
Kim from Reverter + Evan from American Geography + some loops + some rad.

"Mi'ens, meanwhile, delivered a well-defined postrock set down at the Cobalt that had guitarist Kim Glennie gleefully laying down a complex series of polyrhythmic guitar loops."
Music Waste 2013
Gregory Adams, Georgia Straight

"Next up was Mi’ens, pronounced like Mittens but without the “tt.” Mi’ens is Kim Glennie on guitar, Evan Heggen on drums, and nobody on vocals. Instead, Glennie spoke through her guitar with complex conversational playing. It was reminiscent of math-rock bands like Hella or Don Caballero."
Imaginary Pants with Try the Pie, Mi'ens and KVMP August 29 @ Lucky's Comics
Chris Schonfeldt, Discorder
other sites: sonicbids

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Current Lineup

Miss Kim
guitar, loops, vocals
2013 - present
Evan Heggen
2013 - present

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