Moira Smiley & Voco

Experimental Roots from Los Angeles California
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Moira Smiley & Voco

since circa 2005
moira smiley & VOCO are the 2007 National A Cappella Champions, winning "Best Original Song" and the prestigious Harmony Sweepstakes, but they really bring rootsy, improvisation-built Americana, Eastern European soaked songs to folk & new music lovers.
moira smiley & VOCO sing powerful, emotional music with lush harmony, polyrhythmic play and the delicious vaudevillian combo of cello, accordion and banjo. Sprinkled throughout their songs are rompin' stompin' body percussion sets - always a show-stopping visual and rhythmic pleasure. Original music and new fruits from the old songs...

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Current Lineup

Jessica Basta
2005 - present
John Ballinger
voice, percussion, banjo, clarinet
2005 - present
Jessica Catron
voice, cello
2005 - present
Christine Enns
2005 - present
Moira Smiley
bandleader, voice, accordion,banjo
2005 - present

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