Pete Samples

from Montreal Quebec
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Pete Samples

Pete Samples is a solo artist and a one-of-a-kind creative force. This multi-instrumentalist invites us into a fantastical musical creation of cinematic sounds, explosive rhythms, and whimsical melodies. An artist known for consistently reinventing his sound, Pete Samples has created a world entirely of his own, and a live show with as many tricks as a circus.

Following the release of his acclaimed first album, An Unsent Letter (Vinyl Republik), Pete Samples left his home of Winnipeg for Montreal in 2004. Half a fine arts degree and three years later, Pete had fine-tuned and refined his style, and in 2007 his second album, Yours Makes Mine, was released. A far departure from the beat-heavy, sample-driven sounds of An Unsent Letter, YMM is a rousing cinematic experience that relies on Phil Spektor's wall-of-sound approach. Driven by vocals, guitar, piano and less conventional instrumentation, YMM is 10 tracks of genre transcending songwriting.

Both An Unsent Letter and Yours Makes Mine have been praised by CBC Radio 3 and Radio Canada's Bande a Part, and was featured on the homepages of and CBC Radio 3 awarded the single, Awkward Goodbye as one of the top 20 songs of 2004. In June of 2007, YMM reached #2 on the Earshot! national college radio charts, and closed the year off as one of the top 10 albums of 2007 in the same charts.

In 2006, Samples toured Canada and played festival showcases at Canadian Music Week in Toronto and New Music West in Vancouver while touring Canada. In 2007, he performed live on Bande a Part and showcased at Mutek Festival in Montreal. He has been featured alongside such musicians as Hexes and Ohs, Vitaminsforyou, Sinewave and Woodhands on several compilations including, Fear of A Digital Planet, Northern Faction 3 and more recently, Manoeuvers 2.

The Pete Samples experience remains dream-like and resolutely ethereal. He will be touring Canada in summer 2008 for the release of his anticipated upcoming album.
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Pete Samples
2003 - present

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