from Victoria BC
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Between February and April of 2019, artists prOphecy sun, Ross Birdwise and Soressa Gardner met in an east Vancouver basement under the guise of making a series of live recordings. What emerged is a testament to their collective curiosity, passion and deep commitment to listening through realms inside and outside of their bodies. Threshold celebrates sonic transcendence, light and darker spaces; improvised melodic textures, ambient, free flowing, unpredictable rhythms and non linear patterns.

Dr. prOphecy sun is an interdisciplinary performance artist; queer, movement, video, and sound maker; mother; and current Jack and Doris Shadbolt Fellow at Simon Fraser University. Her practice celebrates both conscious and unconscious moments and the vulnerable spaces of the in-between in which art, performance, and life overlap.

Ross Birdwise sings, improvises and composes on laptop, using shifting spatial effects, and complicated rhythms and arrangements to distort the metrical grid underlying most music, evoking bent, asymmetrical, and damaged spacetimes.

Soressa Gardner is vocalist, laptop composer/improvisor, and sometimes songwriter. Her keen sense of mood, colour, humour and gravitas are expressed through extended vocals enhanced by electronic manipulations and sound-worlds carefully crafted from a variety of audio processing techniques.

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