Profile Image: R&B All Stars

R&B All Stars

from Vancouver BC


R&B All Stars

since circa 1978
In the early 80’s this group evolved from the band R+B Delivery which featured;

Jason Hoover; vocal
Bob Kidd; bass
Jim Harmata: gtr.
Al Davidson : B3
Rick Hill: drums
Al Lynch: trpt. and vocals
John Pearson: Tenor

At the time I had a small studio and we were recording original instrumental material. The project was originally called Champion and included:

Russ Marsland: gtr
Glen Blackford; :bass
Ken Boychuck; keyboards
Rick Gittens: drums
Colin Weinmaster: trombone
Kim Nishikawara: tenor
Mark Akerstream: vocal

Soon after that Jason, Bob and Jim left R+B Delivery and both bands combined for the original R+B Allstar line up:
Russ Marsland
Dave Taylor
Al Davidson
Rick Hill
John Pearson
Colin Weinmaster
Bill Ward: trumpet and vocals
Al lynch; trumpet and vocals

The band was really a Blues Brothers kind of vibe with an original spin on classic R+B songs in our signature tuxedos and shades. Our first regular gig was at No.5 Orange Street Friday and Saturday nights. The line ups were long and we had a blast. We recorded Live at The Five on Orange Records, our own independent label that was financed by Harry Brandolini, the owner of NO.5. Harry introduces the band on that album. Soon after, Willy Ward left to form his own group, Outa Hand Jive Band (version 2.) Hans Stamer, one of the most amazing singers to anyone who has heard him, joined us to replace Willy.

Recordings both original and covers include: Choo Choo, Crazy Mama, You've got to Make up your Mind, Ain’t that a lot of Love, Satisfaction and an unreleased solo album project called “Stamer’ that was an all original effort with the band and many session players.

The band went on to play clubs, concerts, T.V. for many years.
By the early nineties we had evolved to a group that featured some of Vancouver's finest session players and singers:

That line up included:
Hans Stamer: vocals
John Ellis:gtr
Ken Boychuck: B3
Darryl Burgess; drums
Norm Fisher: bass
Joanie Bye: vocals/gtr
Kirsten Nash: vocals/tenor
Paul Baron: trpt
Al Michie: Tenor/Alto
Tom Keenlyside: Tenor/Alto/Bari sax
Colin Weinmaster: trombone

The group disbanded in the late nineties and awaits the return of drummer D.B. from Nashville to re form.

Other members have included over the years;
Dave Taylor: bass
Frank Dato: drums
Brady Gustafson: drums
Mike Skinner: sax
Duris Maxwell:drums
Fred Gass: trpt
Ken Chalmers: drums
Darryl Miller: drums
Glen Riley: bass
John Winterton: bass
John Furrara: Tenor
Pat Stewart :drums
Thanks to all the great sound guys over the years.

Colin Weinmaster from the website,

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Current Lineup

Al Davidson
1978 - present
Rick Hill
1978 - present
Al Lynch
1978 - present
Russell Marsland
1978 - present
John Pearson
Baritone Saxophone
1978 - present
Colin Weinmaster
1978 - present
Bill Ward
1978 - present
Steve Hilliam
2013 - present
Billy Mendoza
2013 - present
Joanie Bye
90s - present
Alex Michie
90s - present
Kirsten Nash
Tenor Saxophone/Vocals
90s - present

Past Members

Dave Taylor
1978 - 1981
David Steele
Lead Vocals
2013 - 2021
Mike Skinner
80s - 90s
Pat Stewart
80s - 90s
John Furrara
Tenor Saxophone
80s - 90s
John Winterton
80s - 90s
Glen Riley
80s - 90s
Darryl Miller
80s - 90s
Ken Chalmers
80s - 90s
Fred Gass
80s - 90s
Duris Maxwell
80s - 90s
Hans Stamer
80s - 90s
Brady Gustafson
80s - 90s
Frank Dato
80s - 90s
Tom Keenlyside
Tenor/Alto/Baritone Saxophone
Paul Baron
Norm Fisher
Darryl Burgess
Ken Boychuck
John Ellis

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