Kaitlin Deavy

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Kaitlin Deavy

Welcome to the fast-paced, fresh, and energy-packed musical world of Kaitlin Deavy.
Wearing influences from folk, rap, pop and country music proudly & loudly on her sleeve,
Kaitlin's distinctive style has been described as the lovechild of Cash & Carter,
Eminem, and Ed Sheeran.

Hatched just south of Ottawa, Kaitlin has embodied the archetype of the one-woman-show as
a songwriter, singer, multi-instrumentalist, producer, emcee, and general entertainer from
a young age. Her enthusiasm for all forms of artistic amusement have seen her move from
family band performances as a youth at summer cottages across Ontario, to the successful completion of the
Music Technology Program at Vancouver's Douglas College, to the creation and hosting of Vancouver's
most beloved and legendary Open Mic Night at the esteemed Fairview Pub.

Kaitlin can be found on the Fairview Pub stage as the host of Open Mic Night each Monday & Wednesday with the Cat Murphy Band,
of which she is a founding member, and in the studio working on her debut EP, set to be released in 2018.
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