Bateman Gallery

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Bateman Gallery

470 Belleville St. Victoria BC
Hours: 10 am - 4 pm Late night by donation every third Thursday of the month 4 pm - 7 pm Free public tours Thursday 2 pm - 3 pm
since 2013
Come and explore the Bateman Gallery, a nature-inspired gallery overlooking Victoria’s beautiful inner harbour. The Gallery showcases the magic and beauty of nature, and hosts the largest collection of original and rare works by world-renowned Canadian artist and naturalist, Robert Bateman, along with a rotation of nature-inspired guest exhibits.

The Gallery inspires people of all ages to reconnect with the natural world through exciting exhibitions, learning programs and guided tours.

At the Gallery Shop, you will find a unique selection of Robert Bateman’s exclusive prints, and a wide range of gift ideas including: books, puzzles and mugs; as well as handmade glassworks, jewelry, pottery, woodwork and textiles by other local artists. All proceeds support the mission of the Bateman Foundation in connecting people to nature.

Gallery Admissions:

Tickets can be purchased in the Bateman Gallery, 300-470 Belleville Street.

Adult: $10
Senior (65+): $8.50
Student (19+ with student ID): $8.50
Youth (6–18): $6.00
Children (0-4): Free
Family (2 adults and 2 youth – children 5 and under free): $24.00
Closed / Inactive
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Address470 Belleville St.

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