Gallery Gachet

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Gallery Gachet

88 East Cordova Street Vancouver BC
A visual art gallery - not normally a music venue!
- LMV Admin


Gallery Gachet occupies a storefront heritage building located in dynamic Gastown area of Vancouver. Our proximity to and cooperation with other cultural and artist run centers, uni’s and colleges art progs, public galleries and literary groups, and residents ensure our exhibits are well attended and our unique contribution to the cultural community is recognized.

Currently, we annually provide opportunities for:

* 100’s of artists informed by mental health issues to submit their artwork for review

* 25 artists informed by mental health issues to exhibit their artwork in solo and group shows

* Access to studio space which includes a fully-equipped framing and wood workshop, as well as a new pottery
studio (with wheel and kiln) for 40 members to use

* 1200 visitors to view our exhibits

* 40 artists informed by mental health issues to participate in workshops and act in leadership roles, such as
collective members, board directors, performers, and jurors.
Music Venue

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Liquor LicenseNone

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