Rideau Building

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Rideau Building

207 Stuart Street Kingston Ontario
The Rideau Building is located on the north side of Stuart Street at St. Lawrence Avenue, between Chown Hall student residence and the south entrance of Chernoff Hall.

This building was constructed in 1971 as temporary office space, but has remained in use for far longer than intended. It is the home of various administrative departments and is named after the Rideau Canal.

It is one of three buildings at Queen's to be named after a local waterway - the other two are the Cataraqui Building and the St. Lawrence Building (which was torn down to make room for Chernoff Hall).
Open / Operational
Music Venue
Partial / Limited Accessibility see details

Accessibility Notes

Entrance: The main entrance, located off Stuart Street, is accessible by ramp and automatic door opener. The ramp has a railing and one turn.
Corridors: There are doors and narrow hallways within the building which obstruct travel.
Elevators: An accessible elevator is located through a door with an automatic opener off the main entrance lobby.
Wayfinding: The signage for this building is located on the wall to the left side of the main entrance.
Washrooms: There are no accessible washrooms in this building.

Venue Specs

Venue Formatmeeting
Parking NotesPermit parking is available on the building’s east side, parking lot, university club parking, and lower Albert Street. Time-limited parking is available on Stuart Street.

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Address207 Stuart Street

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