Victoria Jazz Society

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Victoria Jazz Society

975A Alston St Victoria BC
Hours: 9:30am - 4:30pm (Extended hours during May and June)
since 1987

Bands or artists wanting to perform at
JazzFest International, Vancouver Island
Blues Bash, or VJS year-round programming
must submit as much of the following
as possible:

- a professional quality recording of
your music (CD, USB drive or cassette tape)
- a press kit
- a list of all band members and their instruments
- contact details
- performance fee
- photo

Submission deadlines

Submission deadline for TD Victoria International JazzFest and the Vancouver Island Blues Bash are listed on the VJS website.

*YEAR ROUND CONCERT SEASON (mid September - mid April) Submission must be made a minimum of 90 days before intended date of performance. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Victoria Jazz Society at 250-388-4423 or

Sorry, but submissions cannot be returned

Mail to:

Darryl Mar
Program/Festival Director
Victoria Jazz Society
975a Alston Street
Victoria B.C.
V9A 3S5
Open / Operational
Music Society (Non-Profit) Festival / Event Series Show Booking / Promotion Ticket Outlet
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Address975A Alston St

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