Sylvan United Church Jazz Vespers

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Sylvan United Church Jazz Vespers

985 Shawnigan Mill Bay Road Mill Bay BC
Vespers, originally began as a celebration to the rising evening star as daylight gave way to darkness. Celebration in the form of candle lighting, lamp lighting and prayer blessings were customary as the tradition continued in churches throughout the lands.

Jazz was born from the integration of cross-cultural roots of jazz - the harmonies sung by slaves who brought their work songs with them from distant lands; the resulting syncopated rhythms are recognized as Jazz music we know today. Jazz Vespers.

Once the musical soup of rhythmic and poly-rhythmic expressiveness was blended throughout the years the unmistakable flavours of Jazz music has evolved. Jazz Vespers incorporates this traditional celebration with musical offerings from Jazz musicians and has been embraced by many churches as a form of alternative worship.
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