PuSh International Performing Arts Festival

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PuSh International Performing Arts Festival

#110-750 Hamilton Street Vancouver BC
The annual PuSh International Performing Arts Festival is one of Vancouver’s signature events. Produced over three weeks each January, the PuSh Festival presents groundbreaking work in the live performing arts: theatre, dance, music and various hybrid forms of performance. It attracts acclaimed local, national and international artists and their work.

The PuSh Festival expands the horizons of Vancouver artists and audiences with work that is visionary, genre-bending, multi-disciplined, startling and original. The Festival attracts 30,000 attendees annually. Visiting presenters from across Canada and around the world were in attendance for the Assembly networking event to view performances, dialogue and do business.

PuSh is much more than an annual cultural feast for Vancouver: it is a broker of international partnerships, a meeting place for creative minds, a showcase of Canada’s best and an incubator of brilliant new work.

The PuSh Festival puts Vancouver on the world stage and brings the world to Vancouver.
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